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damper A movable plate in a fireplace that allows smoke and fumes to travel up the chimney’s flue. |
days on the market The period of time a property is listed for sale prior to being sold or taken off the market. |
deadbolt lock A lock that requires a key to open from the outside and a turn button from the inside. |
debt Any amount one person owes to another. |
debt assumption letter The formal transfer of debt from one party to another, backed by a contract of assumption signed by both parties. Also known as assignment of debt. |
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deck A roofless, floored area that adjoins a house. |
decorating allowance An amount of money supplied by the seller and held in escrow for the buyer, to be applied toward negotiated decorating changes. |
deed The legal document that transfers ownership of a piece of property. |
deed of trust A document that gives a lender the right to foreclose on a piece of property if the borrower defaults on the loan. |
deep-seal floor drain A drain used to dispose of water from the basement floor to a sewer line. |
default The failure to fulfill a duty or discharge an obligation, such as making monthly mortgage payments. |
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deferred maintenance Any repair or maintenance of a piece of property that has been postponed, resulting in a decline in property value. |
delinquent mortgage A mortgage that involves a borrower who is behind on payments. If the borrower cannot bring the payments up to date within a specified number of days, the lender may begin foreclosure proceedings. |
density test An analysis of soil to determine if the surface can support the foundation of a house. |
dentils Small rectangular blocks that project from a building, usually under cornices or along rooflines. |
deposit Money given by the buyer with an offer to purchase property. Also called earnest money. |
depreciation The decline in value of a piece of property. |
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design/build A project in which the owner contracts directly with an individual or company to perform design and construction. |
designer Unlike architects, designers are limited to drawing blueprints. |
digital images Images that are incorporated into house listings to give potential buyers a view of the property. |
dimension plans Plans which show the layout of a house but are less detailed than full blueprints. |
dimensional lumber Single pieces of lumber sawed to standard dimensions. |
dimmer A light switch that controls the brightness of one or more lights. Most allow a full range of control from full off to full on. |
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dimple To create a slight dent with a light blow of a hammer when driving a nail. This technique is typically used when hanging drywall to provide a tiny pocket for receiving drywall compound. |
dip tube An extension of the water supply line into a storage tank. This delivers water close to the heat source on the bottom of a water heater. |
disability insurance An insurance policy that covers an individual’s ability to produce income. |
disclosure A statement to a potential buyer listing information relevant to a piece of property, such as the presence of radon or lead paint. |
discount points Fees that a borrower pays when the lender makes the loan, to get a lower interest rate. Lenders offer various rate/point combinations, and borrowers pay points to adjust the interest rate to the market rate. One point equals one percent of the loan amount. |
distressed property Property that is in poor physical or financial condition. |
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document needs list A list of documents a lender requires from a potential borrower submitting a loan application. The required documents range from paycheck stubs to credit card statements. |
documentation preparation A fee charged by the settlement agent (escrow company or attorney) to ready the necessary paperwork for closing. |
domed ceiling A hemispherical ceiling that projects upward without support. |
domicile A person’s primary or permanent home. |
dormer A window set upright in a sloping roof. |
double-hung window A window that consists of two sashes that slide up and down. |
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dovetail joints Joints that lock two pieces of wood together with meshed teeth. |
dowel A length of wood that is round in profile and made of hardwood (round lengths of softwood are called rounds). |
dowel plug A short piece of a wooden dowel typically fitted into a counterbored hole to hide the head of a screw. |
down payment The difference between purchase price and the portion of the purchase price financed by a lender. Most lenders require that the down payment come from the buyer’s own funds, but may also allow gifts from relatives. |
downspout A vertical gutter that empties water from the roof to the ground. |
drain auger Also called a snake. A long, coiled-wire tool that you can unwind and push into a drain line to free a clog. |
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drain flange The round metal trim that fits into the hole at the bottom of a sink or bathtub. The stopper or pop-up fits into this flange to retain water in the sink or tub. |
drain valve A valve used to drain a water storage tank in order to perform maintenance or replacement. |
drainage A system of gutters and drainpipes that carry water away from the foundation of a house. |
drainpipe Part of a home’s plumbing system that carries waste to the sewer or septic system. Most residential drainpipes are from 1½ to 4 inches in diameter. |
draw A payment made to subcontractors or suppliers from a construction loan. |
drip caps Angled strips of metal flashing that are designed to protect the eaves from water damage. With an L-shaped profile, they tuck under the first course of shingles and extend down over the fascia. |
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drip loop A loop in the service conductor that minimizes the chance of water penetration. |
dropped ceiling A flat ceiling built lower than the original ceiling. |
dry rot A fungal decay that causes wood to become brittle and crumble. |
drywall A construction material composed of gypsum or plaster wrapped in paper and produced in large sheets that can be nailed to wall studs. |
dual agency A relationship in which a real estate agent or broker represents both parties in a transaction. |
dual agent An agent who represents both the buyer and the seller in a transaction. Some states require strict disclosure of this arrangement to sumers. |
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duct A rigid metal or flexible insulated tube, designed to deliver air to and from a furnace or other air-handling unit. |
duct Any kind of pipe or channel that carries water, wiring, or conditioned air through a house. |
ductwork A system of large tubes, pipes, or channels (ducts) designed to deliver air to and from a furnace or other air-handling unit. |
due-on-sale clause Standard language in a mortgage which states that the loan must be paid when a house is sold. |
duplex A structure that consists of two separate family units. |
duplex receptacle An electrical outlet that accepts two lighting or appliance plugs. |
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Dutch colonial style A design that features a barn-like gambrel roof, a ground-level front porch, and dormers. |